Calling all natural resources, geography, biology, botany, geology, environmental studies students: please see the attached job announcements for exciting summer fieldwork opportunities in the western United States. There are several (three levels) Biological Science Technician Field Assistant positions to collect vegetation and geographic data in rangeland/forested ecosystems of the northern Great Basin (ID, UT, NV, OR). These are temporary federal positions with the United States Geological Survey that pay well. The duty station is out of Boise, ID. The work is scheduled to take place from early June until mid-September – so they would be ideal for recent graduates looking to get some rugged field experience (but students with some college courses would qualify). The field crews will support data collection for a project that is investigating the vulnerability of low elevation aspen forests to climate change, altered fire regimes, and non-native species invasion across the northern Great Basin and will support scientists from the USGS, Utah State University and Kent State University (more information on the project here).

Please note – the deadline to apply has been extended - It is now Wednesday Feb. 2nd.

Top image: Aspen sampling, Little Mountain, Wyoming