Today the Department of Geography at Kent State University welcomes Mogadore High School. Mr. Jerry Vydra, a KSU alumnus, brought his Environmental Science class to campus to learn about the important role of geography in environmental science. I spoke with the students about the kind of research I do and how we use it to monitor our natural resources. We looked at a lot of pretty pictures of my field sites and what those areas look like from space. We also looked at our home watershed, the Cuyahoga River, in Google Earth and some other areas from around the world that have experienced a lot of environmental change in recent years. All of these examples provided a glimpse into how remote sensing can expand our spatial, temporal and spectral scale of observation.
MHS Students: click here for the data we’ll use today.

Top image: Nighttime lights of Italy captured by astronauts aboard the International Space Station (source: NASA Earth Observatory).