The folks at Kent State University Libraries asked me to give an Introduction to R course as part of their Technology Workshop series. I’m told the workshop is at capacity, but if you’d like to follow along today (or at a later date) you can access the lesson plan here. All of the materials are available on github if you’d like to use them – many thanks to all those that have allowed me to borrow and adapt material. If you’re a KSU Student and interested to learn more, check out my Environmental Data Analysis in R (GEOG 41195/51195/71195) course offered in the Fall semester.
The course is very brief (75 minutes) with modest goals:
- Gain exposure with R & RStudio
- Learn how to import data, do something with it, then export it
- Create a basic blueprint for analysis of your own data
Course Outline
- Overview of R & RStudio (20 mins)
- Packages in R (10 mins)
- Import Data (15 mins)
- Visualize Data (15 mins)
- Moving Beyond Today (10 mins)