“A map is the greatest of all epic poems.” Gilbert H. Grosvenor, Editor of National Geographic (1903- 1954)
That’s a pretty strong quote to apply to these maps, but point taken Mr. Grosvenor. Elaborate spatial models have little utility if the information contained in them is not conveyed (in a map) to the natural resource managers charged with making decisions. Below are maps of forest cover (Assal et al. 2015) and trend of forest canopy condition (Assal et al. 2016) in the Little Mountain Ecosystem in southwest Wyoming and northwest Colorado prepared for our agency partners in the Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative.
High resolution pdf files can be downloaded from figshare. Please see the publications for detailed methodology.
Literature Cited
- Assal, Timothy (2016): Little Mountain Ecosystem – Forest Cover Maps. figshare. https://dx.doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.3863262.v1 Retrieved: 18 37, Sep 29, 2016 (GMT)
- Assal, Timothy (2016): Little Mountain Ecosystem – Trends Maps of Forest Canopy Condition. figshare. https://dx.doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.3971421.v2 Retrieved: 18 45, Sep 29, 2016 (GMT)
Top image: An lone aspen tree (an unusual sight) looks on from Cold Spring Mountain, Colorado