RasterViz in R: Drought Anomalies on California's Central Coast
California drought, DataViz, NDVI time series, MODIS, science communication, RasterViz, R
Lab news and information on geospatial, ecological,
and statistical related research*
California drought, DataViz, NDVI time series, MODIS, science communication, RasterViz, R
cloud computing, Google Earth Engine, open science, JavaScript, aerial photos
drought, sagebrush, ecosystem disturbance, MODIS Time Series
Colorado coniferous forest, ecosystem disturbance, Forest Disturbance, LandsatNDVI time series, science communication, wildfire
forest disturbance, burn severity, tree regeneration, Araucaria-Nothofagus, science communication
Greater Sage-grouse, Open Science, sagebrush, remote sensing, science communication
ecological sampling, landscape facets, open science, raster, R
California drought, DataViz, NDVI time series, MODIS, science communication, RasterViz, R
ecosystem disturbance, WLCI, MODIS, time series, ecosystem productivity, remote sensing science communication
California drought, carbon dynamics, drought, ecosystem monitoring, ecosystem water use efficiency, evapotranspiration, net primary productivity. Open Science, science communication
*This is not a a true, linear open lab notebook, but it is in the spirit of open science and information sharing.
It is one of our my primary forms of science outreach and communication. We believe scientists have a strong
responsibility to conduct outreach and share information with colleagues, policy makers and taxpayers for the
greater good of our society. This page includes information from Tim Assal before he established the Biogoegraphy & Landscape Dynamics Lab at KSU.
Top image: the Sagebrush Sea at the foot of the Wind River Mountains, Wyoming